These ultimate 5 min on relevant bits aim to give a reconsideration strategy for a meaningful presence online, regardless if you are a company or a personal brand. In times when brands and individuals are engaging in every way to catch the attention, create abundant content and noise, have online conferences and livestream, we choose to commit to our words, said out and loud, but not only, since we are analysing the very same conversation in alignment with our words and activity online, across channels. So here it is:
- Livestream broadcast ( 49:30min)
- Essential talk, involving both personal and professional aspects (24 min)
- Ultimate 5 min, aligned to the concept of our discussion (5 min)
Reading, writing and being active for a professional interest online takes a lot of time, information overload, filtering of disinformation and personal distraction.
This is our second conversation in a raw, when we reconsider our goals along the year and commit to be present online in a beneficial way both to ourselves and to the communities we support. In the complexity of intense daily schedule and huge ignorance of how the digital space operates, it’s a “mission impossible”, unless we continue to have this discussion and support each other and the corresponding networks we are engaged with.
Notes from “5 min Ulimate Relevant Bits”
- Noise on Social Media
All social media is driving so much information and disinformation.We are talking about about organising a huge amount of information, which is deluding us. And it’s not about organising that information. We actually have to go deeper in the things we want to go deeper into. And because we are being deluded with a lot of information, we don’t go behind the headlines.
- The Headline Society
The headline effect or the headline society is happening because people don’t go behind the headlines, they don’t go into the detail of some of the issues that are being discussed. They jump from headline to headline without going and critically analysing.
- Social Media Trend
It’s going to be better as people begin to stay away from social media more and only use it to communicate the staff they want and with the people they want to.
- Relevant and Appropriate Information
It’s not only about the balance, it’s about the appropriate regulation. When we talk about regulation, we see it as all good or all bad.Ultimately both good and bad, depending on the type of regulation. In biology interactions and medicine our bodies exist because they are regulated by natural laws and interactions internally. Those interactions are leading to good outcomes. The fact that something is regulated is not necessarily bad, as long as the regulation is leading to a positive outcome. It’s not about regulation is bad, no, it needs to be appropriate to the type of activity we are engaged in. For example regulating the amount of information could be a bad thing if it’s done inappropriately but it could be a great thing if done appropriately, then it regulates the amount of information we will get for a positive outcome. So regulation should not be branded as something bad.
- Frequency of Posting and Filtering
Don’t post as a machine or production line. Implement the advanced tool Google Collections. We need to understand how to better deal with the information overload. Every time we think or talk about information overload we should be thinking filter failure. People might have something very relevant to say and when we filter it for relevance and appropriateness, that would be an appropriate regulation, because we are getting the signal through. [Tweet “We are getting to a level where we can use artificial intelligence instead of natural stupidity.”]
- A Person and a Network in Balance
People that are overloaded with information can be less happy than people who are balanced with the right amount of appropriate information. So, one way of achieving happiness both on a personal level and on a social or networked level, is to balance the amount of relevant and appropriate information. We are all scared that we might miss an important bit of information which is why we go through all the information. That’s should not be the knee-jerk reaction. We should have a society, a group of people each of whom curates, cares for a specific segment of information and because we are in a network, we exchange between us the relevant elements, the relevant bits of information without overloading the network and we should be relying on each other’s critical thinking and filtering skills to do that.
Conclusion with 5 Tips on “5 min Ultimate on Relevant Bits”
out of any piece of content on the web there are the ultimate five tips to consider:
One: distracting personal elements
Two: one to ten. If you are a PRO with best digital skills, you get five efficient minutes out of one hour filtering of information on a topic.
Three: Ignore headlines
Four: Collaborate Trusting a Network in Variety and Diversity
Five: Include “unplugged” in your schedule and keep some privacy ( we are not sharing our private takeaways that we committed for 2017)
Reflection of Love 2017 (49.30)
Guests Stan Bush
Guests Alex Simidchiev
Review of this article “The Five Relevant Bits” ( 5 min read)