A small group of travellers appeared the excellent user case to explore Google apps streaming on the go. The characteristics of the group mirror conceptually any team collaboration on the go, framed schedule, and final goal. Why do I take a journey analogy to team collaboration? [Tweet "Well, every task, project, an event is a journey since it has its starting point and a result - final destination."] The people who participate have a definite Continue Reading
5 min Ultimate Relevant Bits
These ultimate 5 min on relevant bits aim to give a reconsideration strategy for a meaningful presence online, regardless if you are a company or a personal brand. In times when brands and individuals are engaging in every way to catch the attention, create abundant content and noise, have online conferences and livestream, we choose to commit to our words, said out and loud, but not only, since we are analysing the very same conversation in Continue Reading
Extended Conversation
This is a excerpt in a series of short videos about extended conversation on social media channels. My conversation is with Communications Expert Debi Davis In this first short video she talks about the difference between traditional communication and digital communication. [Tweet "you can extend your conversation on social channels"] Debi explains how by using technology one can connect on social channels and deepen relationships, Continue Reading