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I’m a Digital Communication Skills Coach, G Suite Administrator, Google Platinum Product Expert – the first one from Bulgaria since February 2016, Brand Reputation Specialist, Online Community Moderator, Content Creator, Online Executives ID presence coach.
I help elaborate digital communication skills in relation to your professional activity across social media channels. My expertise is Online Professional Identity, Digital Brand Management, Content Strategy, SEO. I’m operating on mobile by 360 communication optimisation on Google Search App, Meet, Google Drive, G Suite, Google Calendar, Google My Business, Google Photos, YouTube, Google Maps, Street View, Google Home, Keep, Hangouts, Chat, Local Guides, Google Groups. Social media networks for both individuals and brands that I cover are Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook.
I’ve been in the industrial sector for almost 20 years, managing shareholder in charge of exports. Since 2011 I started an online shop to contribute to our retail family shops. I attended series of SEO seminars. That’s where I was impressed by the open-minded people in this specific field of knowledge. Since then I continue learning and experimenting to share best practices in favour of the online presence of professionals with the clear mission for a better connected cyber-physical world. I’m a volunteer for educational seminars Insight.
Technology has evolved into cyber systems. Be competent and feel comfortable with your digital devices, skills and knowledge online by walking the words with your Digital Communication Skills Coach, that’s me!