Can stones talk digitally?
The best practice in answer to the question “How to Brand Communication?” is to start from Communicators themselves! Start with personalization of Brand’s communication. We are not even thinking differently about offline versus online communication any longer. Since the vision of a Brand is virtually mirrored in the online space through dedicated websites and social media profiles of the Brand, the mastery of communicating the appropriate information for a Brand becomes critical.
Stones Talk Story Hint Branding Communication
In her recent article The President of The International Public Association (IPRA), Mrs Svetlana Stavreva is quoting an ancient say to illustrate communication excellence. I’ve reached out to dive deeper:
Can stones talk digitally?
My question has been provoked by the silence of professionals in their own areas of specialisation. Thus the “Stones Talk” metaphor angle. Less specialized information means increased digital divide and less benefit for online users, less open conversations across channels. Svetlana Stavreva even exaggerated the digital aspect by adding a critical note ” sometimes it’s better for stones to talk than people”
Listen to Svetlana’s professional advice on digital communication in answer to my question “can stones talk digitally?” She was kind to share live online while in Yerevan for the Annual Global Golden Award of IPRA:
Agencies, Public Relations and Marketing professionals are in disruption because the models they have followed so far are not a matrix applied to the concrete communication task any longer. To sum up the PR professional advice: why, who, where, when and how are still the cornerstone of authentic digital communication in Branding Digital Communication.
Takeaways. To manifest digital communication success implement:
- frame of expression
- industry standard
- proficiency in depth of a topic
Personalise The Frame of Brand’s Expression
videos of normal people
In its recent research “Who wants to watch videos of normal people doing normal things. Just about everyone” Google concludes that trends in 2020 are focused on real people’s online presence in video as a way of expressing a Brand.
How to draw the Brand Communication plan then and be confident in reaching out and expanding Brand’s mission? Even watching “Internet Hall of Fame 2019” ceremony awarding people who bring the Internet to life gives us reasons to define :
Branding Communication digitally is 360 Communication on a personal professional level
Virtual reality in personal professional communication
You may find my tutorial “New Brand Account:YouTube Start” useful, including many YouTube related links to tips and tutorials.
Valuable branding resource by Paolo Amoroso How To Find Official Google Stock Photos Always add “©2018 Google LLC All rights reserved. Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google LLC.”
Best reference and branding use case Google Brand Permissions Page