Originally shared by Nina Trankova
Learning from Simulation Game
That might sound strange from a person who never played computer games at all. The 100% individual result for a short time ( av 7h) and the metrics of the benchmark report ( 10 000 players worldwide) from playing Fligby with the nicely set up scenario about a winery business situation is a definite yes for paying the game.
I did this short version (3:29min) out of live-streamed individual coaching session (39:00min) about skills analyses. Co-host Prof in Leadership Zoltan Buzady has gone through the metrics for identifying best skills based on 150 business decisions made during the simulation game in the first round. I’ve added my top five on the thumbnail of the video.
On the following round, I’ll be improving corporate climate expecting exciting rewards and more top skills identified.
Stay tuned for our next event and coaching session soon.
This event is powered by FLIGBY’s METRIX Global Benchmarking Report and is on the program of our “On e Board” collaboration.
Relevant Topic: Business&Entrepreneurship
Zoltan Buzady says
To ALL: many free knowledge resources and tools for your personal leadership development are constantly available for FREE on my topic Google+ Collections – which I started and led to success with help of my mentor whom I recommend to ALL: +Nina Trankova, digital communication skills’ #Master
plus.google.com – Flow – Leadership & Serious Games