How will The Internet Impact Societies As part of our 25th anniversary, the Internet Society joined with Chatham House on 11 May for a discussion on the impact of the Internet on societies. This event brought together Internet experts, industry influencers, senior government officials, and opinion leaders to consider challenging questions and concerns about the future. As a follow-up to this discussion, the Internet Society will Continue Reading
Alignment Problem of Global Communication
Alignment Problem of Global Communication Fragmentation (My notes, while listening to the broadcast) Data localisation to support control of sovereign states. Evolving towards new form of governance. Innovation. Global extension of power. Common interest and common values on the environmental movement. Global human rights. Strategic alliances are required. Framing. Evolving of Communities. Diversity. Role of the Continue Reading
Core Internet Values
Core Internet Values Internet Society Livestream The internet ecosystem is already changed. Here are my notes, listening to the presentation. 1. History overview: APRANET, Switch, Internetting, WWW, Governance and Multi stakeholders. 2. Scale: Connectivity from 4 hosts to 2.6 billion people. 3. From free flow of information to regulated network. - National sovereignty and the Internet, vulnerabilities, National segments Continue Reading
How Does Internet Affect Societies
How Does Internet Affect Societies live now How do we hold power accountable and more tough questions? What kind of Internet we want? Principles for future generations, standards about the entire network. Twitter: #thenext25 Internet Society Events Topic: Business Continue Reading