Communications Future I'm attending one day Conference in my home city Sofia to listen to experts about technology, public relations and marketing. While industries are onboarding platforms and adopting man-and -machine solutions, communication is not near any of these approaches. In my humble opinion and from the standpoint of the digitized mobile-first world the challenges professionals with these occupations face are really Continue Reading
This Week’s Atmosphere on Webit 2017 from Sofia Digital Capital
This Week's Atmosphere on Webit 2017 from Sofia Digital Capital Turning ideas into businesses. Stay tuned for my coming blog post. The short video is taken from Nina Trankova as guest on Webit. #FoundersGames #Webit #innovation #SofiaDigitalCapital #digital ATTENTION: High Sound Continue Reading
Digital Communication Lesson
Digital Communication Lesson ( 1:57) Advice and tips, nailed by Communication Expert Debi Davis I love revisiting our conversation! Be interested in the people you are connected on Google+ That gives an opportunity to get away from selling #Monday #digital #communication Continue Reading
Brake in communication. Burnout
Brake in communication. Burnout I would say I practice communicating and learning altogether along "Digital Communication" ongoing conversation with Alex Simidchiev and Stan Bush on Saturday. I could't come up with 10 or 15 min video, just because when you go over the time stamps you understand how completed with knowledge, experience and humor every minute is. One practical way to look at our talk while watching the video is to see it as Continue Reading