Google Maps Connectivity Feature I have been clustering my experiences from my travel trips, points of interests and events attended by creating Places Lists on Google Maps since the feature launched. I'm managing 19 public Places Lists currently. From all the tools I've used so far along my proactive daily activity across channels, I find Places Lists the easiest and fastest feature to expand content in a given context. Whether it's an Continue Reading
Synchronize Google Maps
Synchronize Your Google Maps with your contacts. Science economics theory claims that geography defines human character and even economics. Here we are in Southern synchronicity on Google Maps with Peter Quinton, a writer, solicitor, and freelance. Synchronicity online is a state of resonating thoughts and activity we got to know perfectly through our experience on Google Plus. The synchronicity on Google Maps relates to the way we operate on Continue Reading
Brands and Content on Google
Brands and Content on Google Take notice of this new information. Discover Topic "Business &Entrepreneurship Are you interested to improve your online ID? Learn more about my new project "On e Board" on my site Join the public Group here: Originally shared by Bill Slawski Google was granted a patent that allows for paid search and Continue Reading
Content Volume, Profile, Brand Appearance
Content Volume Profile Brand Appearance is a strict correlation defining your brand on Google Plus. [Tweet "Create and do more on Google plus of what you love!"] Many users on the Google Plus platform have been including the major advantage of "creating what you love" in their answers when interviewed for "Google Plus Insider". "Google Plus Insider" has 48 000 followers and it is being featured on Google Plus and on Twitter. Continue Reading