Sofia Lyateva About Dev Fest Sofia How does digital transformation turn into a story of a scaled Dev Fest event? During our talk online on YouTube Sofia Lyateva revealed the power of a group of passionate professionals whose dedication is bringing to life the first ever Google Developers Event in Sofia, Bulgaria. On November the 24th speakers and participants will be immersed Continue Reading
Conversation Connections
Conversation Connections This is a summary of tips based on an interactive event "Conversations and Connections" series. It's focused on "sparkling conversations and connections by asking questions". Do a little research before asking Before asking someone your first question, get to know them a little bit by reading the "About me" section on their profile. Take note of any shared interests from what they post and comment. Make it all about Continue Reading
Google My Business Thousand
The present use case is an evidence of how digital communication business etiquette is easily implemented with Google My Business application. One thousand people over a period of three months discovered the entity. These are 55,7% of the total who typed words or phrases in the Search box on their computers and mobile devices looking for information by related category. The entity verified their listing with Google My Business, therefore, it Continue Reading
Google Developers Community Roadshow Sofia
Google Developers Roadshow Sofia was an awesome event created by team, organizers, and participants. It was the closing of the touring to meet Developers Communities from 10 countries around Eastern Europe. I don't remember Eastern Europe being involved in any Google Community events of this kind before. Schedule of the Google Developers Community Roadshow Sofia The schedule was intense, including Introduction to Machine Learning with a Continue Reading