SEE Connect Trend
The last will be first, old say
South East Europe, Business Connect Trend. The Message of #IBM #SEECONNECT is a call to action for entrepreneurs to look for and implement integrated systems that connect human and machine on the different stages of the specific working processes. I talked to a leader and top professional executive of one of the best companies in our country and asked him a question.
Why would you use artificial intelligence? What questions would you ask a Nao Robot?
“AI is needed in the developed countries for business solutions with new thinking, directed towards customer relations, engagement and experience. This is of great value to businesses. For Bulgaria, AI is needed extremely more to help all economic entities learn about the efficiency of the economy as a whole of equally participating entities”. Our enterprise spends 99% of its energy potential to respond to the ever changing administrative regulations. Diverting this potential into productive processes can be of huge change to the business. In the rest of the countries in South Eastern Europe the state has achieved equal administrative regulation towards property of the different economic entities. I have great respect for the businesses in Hungary and I do not doubt that they will start implementing successfully the business solutions of the new era of thinking”
Sergey Pandev, CEO of Pirin Spring
Read further on my blog: http://ninatrankova.com/projects/trend-in-business-see-connect/
More interviews related to #Budapest2016 #SEECONNECT
Pin board with event details, location, tips and travel advice about Budapest https://www.pinterest.com/ninatrankova/budapest-2016/ Free PDF File with invite, links, speakers, location, coming soon
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