NEW: One of the Digital News Innovation Fund’s biggest impacts is the change in mindset
Open source and sharing knowledge
I’m quoting Rosalia Lloret external Fund Council member and Head of Institutional and Public Relations at Online Publishers Association Europe. Read the conversation here:
Digital News Innovation Fund Report showcases projects making a difference in the news industry. You can download the full Report and of the projects that have been supported by the DNI Fund
The basic themes of impact are:
Battling misinformation
Telling local stories
Boosting digital revenues
Exploring new technologies
Google claims to support quality journalism to innovate and experiment. I must be missing something here since European Parliament is responding by a monopoly leaded policy to vote The Link Tax.
“The link tax is a fatal threat to the free and open Internet worldwide, and we won’t stand for it. OpenMedia is driving calls to MEPs across Europe and lobbying the EU Parliament directly to vote down the link tax.”
This open letter is indicating how frustrating the situation is right now 7th June 2018:
Petition, in case you haven’t asked your country’s European Parliament representative to vote for removal of Article 13 and article 11: https://savethelink.org/me
#Trend2018 #Publishers
Nina Trankova says
juliareda.eu – How you can #SaveYourInternet from Article 13 and the “Link Tax” in the next 14 days