State of the Net 2019
America’s Premier Internet Policy Conference is taking place on Tuesday, Jan 29th at Newseum, Washington DC
The hosts are The Internet Education Foundation (IEF). Policymakers and 300 congressional representatives have registered to attend the Conference. Here’s the Topic list:
- Commercial Privacy.
- Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms.
- Internet Policy on the Campaign Trail.
- Future of Work.
- The Internet Governance Cold War.
- Content Expression on the Internet Commons.
- Telecom and the Balance of Power; and more.
The Internet Society North America Bureau is sponsoring the event, including the webcast on ISOC.LIVE. For all whose daily work and life relate to the Internet, I highly recommend attending online in person. Stay tuned for
Enormous Creativity Nothing About Fake Content
I’ve had the chance to talk to Mrs Stavreva during her jury work for
“Mi:t&links. Baltic Communication Awards 2018”
The ultimate conclusion from my interview is: where digital and corporate communication is expressed in high standard and creativity, fake news and fake content are excluded. This interview highlights “Content Expression” from the “State of The Net 2019” priority items.
During the campaign on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of The World Wide Web all the priorities listed in “State of The Net 2019” found their best recap in Sir Tim Berners-Lee letter.
Sir Tim’s Letter: Contract For The Web
The fight for the web is one of the most important causes of our time. Today, half of the world is online. It is more urgent than ever to ensure the other half are not left behind offline, and that everyone contributes to a web that drives equality, opportunity and creativity.
The Contract for the Web must not be a list of quick fixes but a process that signals a shift in how we understand our relationship with our online community. It must be clear enough to act as a guiding star for the way forward but flexible enough to adapt to the rapid pace of change in technology. It’s our journey from digital adolescence to a more mature, responsible and inclusive future.
The web is for everyone and collectively we hold the power to change it. It won’t be easy. But if we dream a little and work a lot, we can get the web we want.
Sir Tim’s Letter: Contract For The Web

2019-2069 (the next 50 years): In the next five decades I believe that computer communications will become completely natural. Like using electricity, you won’t think about it anymore. Access will be totally improved—think thousands of low Earth orbit satellites—and speeds will be higher, with 5G and optical fiber, and billions of networked devices with increased interactive capabilities in voice, gesture, and artificially intelligent systems. I also imagine an expansion of the Interplanetary Internet. But who knows, after everything that has been accomplished in the past 50 years, the only thing we can be certain about is that the possibilities are endless.
Chief Internet Evangelist Vin Cerf
Resource Google Blog The Keyword
Resource State of The Net America’s Premier Internet Policy Conference
Credit image: The Internet Society
Live online:
Later in 2019 The Internet Governance Forum is taking place in Berlin.
ICANN History project Fireside chat with Vint Cerf, Leonard Kleinrock, and Steve Crocker [501E]
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