I had the privilege to be part of the hosting team on the live streaming online conference on You Tube, first IBM SEE Industry Talk of its kind. IBM focused on key healthcare indicators and transformation process in healthcare, worldwide. The example of integrated IBM data center and network at Unihospital has been the spotlight of this hot topic. It’s interesting that from the six Bulgarian natives on the panel, all came from specific different expertise on a global level: IBM South East Europe, Digital medicine futurist from Glaxo Smith&Klein, Google Plus Expert, Medical Doctor and Patient Organisation Chairman. IBM Watson Healthcare Expert joined from Prague and Google Partner joined from Georgia, US. The speakers on the panel came from 6 locations: Sofia, Panagyurishte, Vienna, Toronto, Atlanta and Prague.
The Conference had a consecutive translation live online, which is the first ever experience of its kind and it went quite well. Speaking in one’s native language is contributing to in depth talk, more insights and makes the Conference rich in more aspects and experiences to the participants.
The interactive comments were taken care on IBM SEE You Tube channel since Google is separating Hangouts and events from Google Plus and Spaces was not accessible from some of the domains of the participants. The guests invited journalists from Romania, Serbia and Bulgaria were a part of the event, asked questions and got the answers during the Q&A sessions at the end. The conference was open for the announced 40 min and it finished in time. Thank you to IBM SEE, UP Agency, Viktor Donkov Interpreter, Stan Bush, and all participants. You can watch the event on replay.
It’s been an extraordinary experience to be part of the first-ever live online Industry Talk for IBM SEE. The fact that UniHospital Bulgaria is in the spotlight of a worldwide transformation in healthcare augmented the excitement of the Bulgarian participants, including myself. We could look from the perspective of the transitioning steps and become aware that this is just the beginning. Most important, it’s a chance for Bulgarians to invalidate the shocking numbers of death rate and expenditure and take advantage of an integrated technology system as a whole solution.
The highlight from the event is Doctor Lucia Dobreva’s message. It’s the first consecutive translation in Hangouts, as far as I and +Stan Bush know. Credit goes to United partners Agency., Svetlana Stavreva, Alex Simidchiev, Matěj Adam Igor Pravica Atanas Matev P. Georgieva Victor Donkov Danijela Radinkovic Stan Bush Nina Trankova
UniHospital Aims at High Quality Healthcare
Lucia Dobreva
UniHospital has 300 beds and 27 clinics, diagnostic centers and over 700 people employee staff. UniHospital has a highly technological oncological center. We offer a complex approach, that includes prophylaxis fast diagnoses timely and quality treatment. Rehabilitation and continuing treatment We want to retain Bulgarian patients and bring back the trust of Bulgarian patients and this is why we can proudly say that we are the hospital of the future.
This is all possible with IT technologies, without which wouldn’t have been possible to achieve any of these goals we have set. The modern technologies make it possible for doctors to real time gathering of imaging and data from the medical and diagnostic centers and real time conference connections with other specialists from other fields. And this is all for the sake of carrying out the fastest and the most accurate treatment of patients, especially patients with oncological diseases. The most important objective for us is whenever patients come to us to get the most accurate accurate diagnoses and the most timely treatment of their disease.
This is an excerpt of#IBM #IndustryTalk #Healthcare #Spotlight
read the whole article here: Bulgaria’s UniHospital Puts Technology at the Heart of Patient Care with IBM
Comments: “Thanks for the great summary. Indeed this hangout discussion was a great experience and a great way for us to highlight a very important topic. Healthcare across South East Europe can be easily deemed deathcare as SEE countries spend between 6 and 10% of GDP on healthcare, yet this does not translate into higher life expectancy and
“Good to see this is getting traction and having an impact.” Stan Bush