How does digital transformation turn into a story of a scaled Dev Fest event?
DevFest Sofia story by Sofia Lyateva, that’s not a coincidence by name but a story about passion and mission! During our talk online on YouTube Sofia Lyateva revealed the power of a group of passionate professionals whose dedication is bringing to life the first ever Google Developers Event in Sofia, Bulgaria. On November the 24th speakers and participants will be immersed in the exchange of innovative ideas and best practices around Google technology and Google products.
GDG DevFest Sofia brings together the world-class experts in Android, Web and Cloud technologies to Sofia, Bulgaria a day full of sessions. The largest Google tech conference worldwide is organized and brought to Bulgaria by GDG Sofia & Women Techmakers, TechHuddle, DataArt & Qualified Ltd.
The organizers’ team including Nicky Krastev is an evidence of collaboration as the best action plan for Dev Fest Sofia 2018.
DevFest Sofia 2018 is a naturally evolving relationship with Google Developers Experts Community who hosted an event in Sofia earlier this year. Read my coverage of the Google Developers Roadshow in Sofia.
Google’s programs are equally open to individuals passionate in Google products such as Google Product Experts Program I’m privileged to be a Google Gold Product Expert with.
DevFest Sofia Event Takeaways
Check the sessions delivered by the awesome speakers. The value of each topic covered from Google Cloud platform for the enterprise, Google Maps to Google Assistant and mobile apps was huge! Here are my takeaways in no particular order:
- Be prepared. Be Bold! For best user experience scale Relevance Value ( Google Optimise Tag Manager).
- Hybrid Cloud Standard for an ecosystem of tools and networking ideas. Use Kubernetes.
- Use the Google Maps API Developers for business success, benefit from Google’s research, scale language, expand with visual design.
- Work with predictive apps beyond Android. Action in context at the right moment with Google Assistant.
- …a lot more
I was privileged to interview, Elaine Dias Batista who is a Google Developer Expert for Google Assistant and a leading Speaker at DevFest. Listen to the advanced opportunities she’s pointing us to when working with Google Assistant and Android apps.
GDG Sofia Group
GDG Sofia Group is using Meetup platform to organize the Community. Unfortunately, Google Communities have not been implemented what doesn’t allow expanding of the conversation (AI based) and relationships online for the interests and growth of the GDG Sofia Group.
The questions during the event were organized on and that was handled comfortably by the Moderator of the event Boris Strandjev, who is the organizer and leading speaker at DevFest Sofia 2018. The extraordinary event deserves attention from the media rather than the limited outreach on the tech press. Do you have a similar experience with the digital divide gap technology is creating and what solutions do you envision about it?