Search Collections Tips
Search Collections become the instant “go to topic” conversation starter. Why is it instant? Collections are a functionality of Google Search app and can be used across any device, mobile or on desktop. Online users can add resources and citations to their own theme of interest Collection. Users can benefit from AI powered by Google “Find more” on the chosen theme transforming the Collection into an automatically updated research tool.
Search Collections Context
Context is crucial in times of extremely dynamic interactions on the Internet. Search Collections are exceeding excellence in providing users, journalists and publishers online with a sophisticated AI based instrument about most recent and reliable context. Collection owners can go back to the Collections they create and update on the go, add or remove links, invite editors to collaborate to expand knowledge in depth of the theme. Ultimately in depth context helps online users check more answers in one dedicated place, collect more opinions, explore various citations and stay on track for the theme of their Collection by even being able to share with one click all the value collected.
Search Collections are a facilitator tool of our digital transformation way of making decisions
mobile first navigation in context
- individually for our daily life and work
- in collaboration for our work and causes
This article is using mirror observation, Search and Find More Collections, Unique personal experiential learning, Collaboration work and life improving.
Starting with Collections
Anything from our own daily work and life activity can be observed to serve our learning individually and together. Each navigation through choices is made at a specific day, time, season, geographical location, cultural background, critical thinking, dependencies and behaviours etc. Keeping all those searches would be a valuable advantage not to be missed. Here’s how to start with Collections:
Start a new Collection
On your Android, open Google Search, tap Collections directly from the bottom line and hit “New”. Give your Collection a title and include a short description about its theme.
Localize Collections
When the theme allows you to add a location from Google Maps, your Collection becomes visible in Google Maps. You can add related locations to it such as Google Event Center to localize Google Product Experts Collection, as an example.
Find More with Collections
While you add defined theme oriented publications to your Collections, Google starts to suggest “find more”. If you don’t need it, you can disable this feature.
Share Collections: Links
Collaborate with others in shared or in public Collections. Use a view only sharing link and an invite editor Contributor link. Find those links in “sharing” from the three dot menu inside your Collection.
Collaborate and Grow Followers
Collaborating with Editors in gathering diverse and rich information enables growing followers of your Collections
Reminder: always send feedback from the menu inside your Collections
2 + 2 Search Collections Takeaways
Here are my 2+2 tips why are Search Collections important and what are the potential takeaways of this functionality Google are introducing on their mighty Search, “A fresh way to revisit your online finds in Google Search”
- Knowledge speed and speed interactions
- Artificial Intelligence personal experience
- Content learning entity information
- Human-centric design by taking notice of choices you are making about text, image, video, sound,
To understand better the concept of Collections read my previous article on Google Plus Collections Listen and complete the puzzle with Google Collections Even if the current tool Collections is located in the Search app and some functionalities like comments are not there, the basic concept is still valid.
My video tutorial “Practice Collections”, why what and how.
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