We have the unprecedented opportunity to practice listening and when you choose to listen about the very best skills nature has given to us, it’s the way to meaningful and creative activity on the web. I like analogy with children play. Do you remember a very common situation when a child is completing a puzzle? They are listening to every words and following the creative process.
Everybody is asking which social media and how to use it. Agencies are using “listening instruments”. The issue is that while the campaign is adopted the conversation has moved and “the listening” has a lag, it’s not valid anymore. It is a simple game going on the web playground: start and end time, steps, ongoing non stop. When you advance for anything you need about your business plans and professional activities, start listening, make time about it. Check data, expert opinion and personal experiences. You will be surprise how a topical grouped content with Google Plus Collection can turn into a relevant resource for your listening.
Ritika Gunnar, vice president of offering management for Watson Data Platform points to the need for businesses to collaborate with data across departments to make decisions.
(Tech Church article)
In this aspect Google plus collections are created around an interest, so on the first place somebody else has listened on the topic of the same very interest you have. When you think about dedicated conductors who travelled weeks and months in the 19th century to reach an orchestra and lead it to the listening experience of the audience, making 8 seconds time to check a Collection is just an extraordinary opportunity.
What else makes it easy to listen with Google plus collections?
- reach of posts is sky rocket
- one link for a large amount of content
- one link handy to share across all social media
- diversity of content
- comments on posts, giving idea about the social aspects of the topic
User Case. The first graph shows 30 191 views on the live online broadcast of Tony Robbins The second graph shows 26 923 views on the post reach of a featured collection.

Conclusion: what you hear depends upon whom you listen, can expand with Google Plus Collections to “I not just hear, I can demonstrate to contribute with the best of my skills”
[Tweet “Are you creating listening fit content?”]
For best understanding of listening, practice speaking within a fixed time. After my 6 min. participation on The National Radio Program, I was privileged to be invited, my perspective about time turned to a very physical awareness. The radio is the media for people to listen to. Do a”radio test” for the Collection you are creating and you boost the engagement on you content to a vivid conversation.
- use dialogue and questions to keep the conversation open
- include rithm and time frame
- relate to favourite human experience by telling a story
- have a key message about the value you bring
- leave a free choice to your audience
Transcript of the interview: (Question: How to make our time on social media more useful? That is the basic question) We can make the difference by asking ourselves “What are we doing? We often forget that we have a free choice while being by ourselves in front of the screen. Choosing only to like and share might turn into a huge waste of time , not just for us, but for our friends and family. Can we turn around the waste of time into a benefit to us? Definitely “Yes” to such behaviour. We can start from “I’ – it’s authenticity; “love hiking in the mountain” – expresses engagement; “climbed Vihren mount in July” – clear and brief action; “there was a storm and it was difficult to walk” – make a story. (Question from the journalist: when we share our story on Facebook and on Google+, can we make the difference, can we become famous, self promote ourselves?) I love using the “plus” concept. We can become as famous as the plus we accept in our benefit. Precisely this plus, that is meaningful to our daily activity, to our life. Sharing a personal story is not simply an advertisement, it is useful to the users on the platform because they understand the emotion and learn more from the personal experience. I recommend when starting a personal profile on Google, begin at once with grouping your content. I can list what is the created grouped content on the platform that has been featured from all users: photo walks, special fotography like macro-photos, editions of recepee, books, reviews of books and articles. All these are digital books. It’s kind of live online University. ( Question: Live online University, let’s keep this open end of our conversation and I have a blitz question to finalize – Facebook or Google+?) Both. (Thank you for your participation) Both, in a different behavior.
Relating this active tactics on the web to latest scientific approach about communication and management, precisely “communication is behavior” makes the implementation of Google Plus and precisely Google Plus Collections tool accelerate the conversation and process of bridging the digital transformation across diverse industries and occupations.
I have written more about Easy Guide for Google+Collections PRO