How to Check Your Influence
Activity help
With this new exciting feature on Google+ you can check how does your activity influence: followers, views, comments, plus ones. Your shared posts reach further influence for views, comments and plus ones.
You can check your influence on your profile directly
Change your activity and choose what is the best behaviour for you in terms of
◊ content you post: topic, image, text, video, GIF, image and location
◊ where you post it: public, public Collection
◊ time of posting: consider trends of the day
#GooglePlus #GoogleUpdates #Influence #WednesdayWisdom #Collection101
Estela Quintana. says
Hola nina
Ali Chan says
Im on IOS mobile so kinda I’m limited
Denisa Ayana Dimitrovics says
Yes !!!!!!!♥♥♥♥♥
Stan Bush says
Very good tip Nina. I’m going to pay more attention to this, thanks to you.
Nina Trankova says
Thank you MEDLEY! This is helpful, appreciate!
Nina Trankova says
Stan Bush your attention is a complement for G+team! Thank you for continuous support! Appreciate!
Xavi Marti says
At the moment is this limited to “30 days”?
Nina Trankova says
Xavi Marti yes, 3o days is the current time period for Insights. Thank for asking on this thread.
CircleCount says
Interesting to see a similar comparison between “Your posts” and “Your reach” for your profile like it for our profile Nina Trankova.
I was a bit surprised, that the views for the double number of posts is almost the same. I’m looking forward to see how this will look like in a few weeks, where our “year 2016 reviews” won’t be part of the insights.
Michael D Thomas II says
Dear Nina Trankova I actually seen this share out yesterday I think from another source, but I am curious as to is it just you or are all of our shares now on the new G+ not showing or appearing original dates posted ?? I actually do Not see any dates you originally shared your post in here ..hmmmm I’m very curious about this btw ..
Nina Trankova says
CircleCount it’s a market index feeling, isn’t it?! No, double number of posts doesn’t result in doubled reach. Strategy puzzles! Thank you for your comment and share with evidence of your experiment!
Out of topic: Follow back was a frequent question on Help today with references to circlecount. Thank you for being on G+, Circlecount!
Nina Trankova says
Michael Thomas click the arrow beside the three dot menu, upper right on the post and it will open in new window to show the date and time. This one is dated 25th January, 12:44 Sofia time. All posts have exact timing. It normally shows how long they have been there ( 11 h for example). When opening the post, you read the date and time. To me it’s the best, no time zone confusion. Thank you for asking! Hope that makes sense.
Fruts Sue says
Thanks for this Nina Trankova well hidden it was and nothing like as complete as the previous stats but still.
Nina Trankova says
Fruts Sue welcome! ( hidden figures;) Helps focus on content rather than figures. Thanks for stopping by.
Xavi Marti says
Good morning Nina Trankova. I was visiting your website. Excellent job! I found a broken link at “How to Create Growth with Collection”. It seems to point to a google drive or so.
CircleCount says
with references to circlecount feeling honored, thanks a lot Nina Trankova!
No, double number of posts doesn’t result in doubled reach.
I agree with that, but our number are pretty strange:
– 196 posts => 401,282 views
– 199 additional posts at reach (reshares of our posts) => 807 views
I think, this is pretty strange.
Nina Trankova says
Thanks for shout out Xavi Marti Updating the document right now! Very kind of you!
Nina Trankova says
CircleCount could this be caused by the change from classic to new? Just my thoughts?
CircleCount says
Nina Trankova I don’t think so because the “your posts” and the “your reach” posts are both from the same period.
It could mean that the most reshares we got are well hidden (I mean either reshared privately or with a low visibility). At first I thought that it could be something strange with our stats but it’s similar on your profile:
– 176 posts with 644,504 views
– vs. 297 posts with 664,004 views
=> (just 1.500 more views for 121 more posts)
It would be interesting to see that comparison also for other profiles.
Nina Trankova says
CircleCount yes, I think private sharing has a significant influence.
Stephen Gebode says
anago samuel says
Okay nice
Phillips Park Zoo says
Life happiness says
very good tips
Fruts Sue says
Nina Trankova when you say private sharing, do you mean to a circle, circles or to persons? This is one or the things that confuse me, if I share to public I get very little engagement, far less than when sharing to public, circles and extended circles as before. I’m trying sharing to public and then to circles or one circle etc. but don’t think it’s really worthwhile.
Nina Trankova says
Fruts Sue it’s public and public – directly to Collections
Fruts Sue says
Nina Trankova I see, that’s what I thought. Am getting far less interaction this way but still…nothing one can do about it!! Many thanks.
Nina Trankova says
Fruts Sue not necessarily, see these graphs for the opposite: https://goo.gl/photos/SNg8v4mQ7Uk9fRXM7
Fruts Sue says
Nina Trankova interesting, many thanks.
Drew Jensen says
CircleCount “It would be interesting to see that comparison also for other profiles.” OK – here is the 30 Day numbers from my profile taken over 6 days, mid afternoon.
CircleCount says
Thanks a lot Drew Jensen. That’s really interesting, because we can see again a strange ratio-difference between “your posts” and “your reach”.
Drew Jensen says
I’m guessing it is temporal, since I assume the ‘Shared Posts’ are those shares of posts within and outside of the 30 day window.
When I see a post shared from weeks or months back I tend to share less, certainly comment less.
Nina Trankova says
Thank you for sharing Drew Jensen Thank you for commenting CircleCount Another ratio is less number of posts, more followers of Collections.
Nina Trankova says
January Insights, I worked with Google Sheets plus.google.com – Personal profiles – Influencer Index For the first time personal profiles hav…
I posted in Circlecount Community