How Patient are You to Notice the Signs You are Looking For?
This week intention for The Cloud Whisperers was look for beauty and I did find a pile! Here is the post of Stan Bush for The Cloud Whisperers weekly intent.
#patient #Polls_Trend2017
Credit photo Stan Bush
MicheleElys MER says
depends on the type of sign and the value of the time ;D
Stan Bush says
Michele is right… but for the most part I’m very patient. But I also remember… Good Things Come to those that wait. Great things come all at once.
MicheleElys MER says
Stan Bush with all our devices, AI taking over, instance everything, there are no more waiting moments. If you do not see the sign of opportunity, it’s gone.
And, Great things come all at once
First in line! ;~) MicheleElys (long first name 😉
Stan Bush says
MicheleElys MER .. that was an expression my grandfather used ‘back in the day’ 🙂
MicheleElys MER says
Stan Bush good one!! Tapping my toe lQQking around for that moment, in the mean time…………..Forward Thank you Stan