Google Alerts About The Risks from EU Copyright Directive Everyone benefits from access to information and creativity online. For the importance of each word, I'm quoting the whole text below. The bold text is mine. "Every day, billions of people go online to enjoy a rich variety of news, entertainment, tutorials and more. For the journalists, artists, and creators behind this content, the internet has become a vital Continue Reading
Save Your Internet Campaign
Save Your Internet Campaign Recap Regulations on the web such as Art 13 that is at its final stage of voting in Europe attempt to fight abuse yet stumble in becoming abusive to Creators online. YouTube Creators are raising awareness by asking all Creators online to join the conversation by creating a video about Article 13 and sharing on social using the hashtag #SaveyourInternet Read Continue Reading
From “Save The Internet Initiative”
From "Save The Internet Initiative" Dear supporters,even one day later we can hardly believe it. We were actually able to stop the planned upload filters and the "ancillary copyright" - at least for now. Look how the MEPs took up our petition in Strasbourg: videoNow we can take a quick breath. But: right in September, it goes on. Probably already in the week starting from the 10. September 2018 the European Union parliament will again debate Continue Reading