Internet and New Media in Tourism: Interview with Florian Castlunger Live now I'm talking live online with Florian Castlunger about his takeaway from #bcs18 event. This is the digital wellbeing trend of the week, let's listen more from the professionals in the industry! Edit My takeaway from the interview is about Community Management and Inter-Community collaboration where offline Communities can Continue Reading
Collaboration Trend Higher
Collaboration Trend Higher Via Just 4 C.A.S.H 4 You #Collaboration Originally shared by G Suite With Google & Salesforce, it’s all about collaboration. Continue Reading
Add Transparent to Collaboration
Add Transparent to Collaboration It looks more like cooking together, including everyone! At the end, old school tactics go to oblivion. #collaboration Originally shared by G Suite It’s time to transform the brainstorm. Introducing Jamboard: a collaborative, digital whiteboard that makes it easy for your team to share ideas in real-time and create without boundaries. Continue Reading
Google Plus Personal Professional Success
It’s about a professional mindset transformation period by cross cultural and interdisciplinary communication on the Google Plus platform. Back then, in September 2011 I was doing AdWords campaign for our retail business, new online shop. A very technical work with Google Analytics, Google Maps, mostly a SEO job I was advancing with the seminars of the best consultant Ognian Mladenov. Just few months earlier I worked 12 hours daily to fill Continue Reading