Noting Manifests It's Meaning Unless... think unthinkable thoughts That's because we are connected on G+ and there will be no meaning to add my take away but make it evident in action, sharing, transforming, disrupting. Teodora Petkova _____ This post is added to "Business Guide" you may follow: Discover Topic "Business Continue Reading
3 User Cases for Google Brand Page Relevant Stream
3 User Cases for Google Brand Page Relevant Stream For businesses live online in real time can mean different things, depending on how they engage with their audience. If Google Maps, Google Search, Google My Business have their updated "To Do" lists, Google+ Brand pages keep the personal key to interacting and communicating across shared interests. Isn't this just the same in the offline world? #BeKnownForWhatYouCreate Continue Reading
How Do You Communicate Online While Visiting an Event Offline?
How Do You Communicate Online While Visiting an Event Offline? Tech with Google cyber-physical reality Ivan Yudhi at #IO17 Google Top Contributor Ivan Yudhi keeping up conversation online while on ground at Google Developer Festival, MV, Ca. A perfect implementation of Google Collections! Check Ivan's in insights about coding games, cars, gadgets, apps and follow Tech with Google for developer extended Continue Reading
That’s All About Grouping Content With Google+Collections
That's All About Grouping Content With Google+Collections This article is in nice synchronicity of with our communication and relations here on Google +. If more professionals could use Google+Collections as a starter tool, that would make it a better flow and experience for all on the platform! #personalbranding #BeKnownForWhatYouCreate Continue Reading