What is Digital Wellness?
Carter Gibson shares insights about Family Link App
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#Trend2018 #io18 #FamilyLink
Originally shared by Carter Gibson
When I first joined Google, it was to bring my community and content experience to a place that gave me the resources to scale it. When I decided to join the Family Link team, I left my comfort zone to work on account infrastructure for one reason: help solve the biggest, hardest problem I can.
Today, I got to watch Sundar Pichai exemplify Family Link as an app that’s helping with digital wellness – specifically by allowing parents to restrict their kids screentime and make their internet experience safer. Family Link is a massively important product that is, frankly, leaps and bounds ahead of anything out there. Parents can ring their kids phone, see realtime location, set parental controls on Chrome, restrict apps by rating, set bedtimes, and more – all while preserving the kid’s right to privacy (for instance, parents can’t see messages or searches). As more and more kids get more and more devices they want to spend more time on, tools like Family Link are only going to be more and more important.
Major props to my team and friends across Google fighting the good fights. More awesome on the way 😀
#io18 #googleio #googleio2018 #io2018
Don McCollough says
The Google Duplex demo was really cool and slightly creepy
Nina Trankova says
I’m not there yet. From the Keynote I found the talking over demo very funny, or at least my daughter will be happy to know ” looking to listen” exists;)
It’s at (1:27:24)
youtube.com – Google I/O’18: Google Keynote
The Action app caught my attention.
Nina Trankova says
Don McCollough I would agree Duplex is a cool concept yet delegating communication is tricky.
(link for a ref for who is on this comment thread) ai.googleblog.com – Google AI Blog: Google Duplex: An AI System for Accomplishing Real World Tasks Over the Phone
Don McCollough says