Internet and New Media in Tourism: Interview with Florian Castlunger
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I’m talking live online with Florian Castlunger about his takeaway from #bcs18 event. This is the digital wellbeing trend of the week, let’s listen more from the professionals in the industry!
Edit My takeaway from the interview is about Community Management and Inter-Community collaboration where offline Communities can receive augmented reach during events and vice versa.
The event is a cooperation between IDM Südtirol – Alto Adige, the Association of Hoteliers and Innkeepers (HGV) and the Tourist Authority Merano and is intended as a free platform for all interested participants.
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Domingo Rosillo Sevilla says
Buenos días Nina!!👌👍😊
Nina Trankova says
Livestream talk as part of taking the lead for the industry:
augment the wellbeing moments of balance from Visit South Tyrol to the web. Community Experts -wise with Google+ Rachel Bakker
Great talk! Thank you Florian Castlunger
I would be glad to attend #bcs19, very kind of you to invite me:)
Florian Castlunger says
Thank you Nina Trankova for this talk and exchange of ideas. And hope to see you next year at #bcs19!
Nina Trankova says
Florian Castlunger I have zero doubt how efficient #bcs19 can be!
You haven’t included Google Photos potential this year #bcs18, have you? It would be great to have Paolo Amoroso at #bcs19 then and look into enhancing stunning South Tyrol images with through Paolo’s expert advice.
Nina Trankova says
Florian Castlunger I’m curious did the participants take note of Public Lists potential on Google Maps?