First Decryption Law
Access and Assistance Bill passed on 7th December in Australia
“Even though the government is trying to make it sound that decryption will help police and government agencies, in fact, it will just open the door to new crime,” said Ruby Gonzalez, Communications Director at NordVPN. “The biggest concern is backdoor access into private messages. That could create real potential problems, such as hacking, data misuse, and leaks.”
Ask Eastern-Europeans about total control!!! Those who haven’t lived it wouldn’t know. When other governments pass the same bill, the Internet is going to be a noisy room, just that.
Expert Session on Encryption hosted by The Internet Society earlier in August 2018
Replay available (1h: 42 min)
I recommend reading the related article by Kathryn Brown, President, The Internet Society. Here’s a quote:
“Encryption is a technical building block for securing infrastructure, communications and information. It should be made stronger and universal, not weaker.
Even in Australia, the opinions are split. Cryptographer and Professor at Melbourne University Vanessa Teague:
“But end-to-end encryption (b) is not accessible without a backdoor. You can’t get police access “in a way that doesn’t weaken the encryption,” because the data is encrypted with a key the provider doesn’t have. Legislation can’t fix the maths.”
Digital Rights Watch Campaign:
#Trend2019 #Encryption #ShapeTomorrow
Nina Trankova says
Paul Snedden I find these two articles in contradiction but the reality is they co-exist together. I understand “as far as my nose”, we say yet I can tell that where the online user is located would make the whole difference how they navigate the web. It reminds me about the times we were disconnected as far as some countries will have very low trust ref their Identity and Security systems compared to others. I wish there was any kind of an internationally approved standard/space, say as the Agreement among countries in Antarctica. – Google Cloud Platform now IRAP-certified by Australian Cyber Security Center | Google Cloud Blog