Originally shared by Nina Trankova
Art 13: Another “No Way Plus”
“No way plus” is a phrase that gained popularity around Brexit. It looks like more procedures don’t find ways those days such as Art 13 and yet need to even invent an accountable solution to respond to opposed opinions representing mln people on either side.
EU Court of Justice noticed lack of notification from Germany to Google about Germany’s rules prohibiting search engines to provide press products without prior authorization by the publishers. twitter.com/EUCourtPress/status/1073150516979486721
Trilogue didn’t vote any agreement but scheduled a new vote for 14th January 2019. Julia Reda commented that most negotiators still want Art 13.
From techdirt com: “attempt to change the internet from a platform for the public to a locked up platform for gatekeepers”_
Credit Tweet Andrus Ansip European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Single Market.