In the first week of May I took the “Strategy Engagement Optimisation” fast track course Stan Bush generously hosts on the livestreaming platform Blab.
I am a Social Media Business Page Manager with 5 years of experience, I approached this project the same way I do for my clients. I did a visual presentation and kept project notes for myself. This provides evidence of the work in progress for a client. Images I’ve taken at events, exhibitions, community engagement, and awards kept me focused. Digital daily activities and recently planned projects helped me visualize and maintain my space of social engagement. I stayed engaged with my contacts and plans during the whole course. I would recommend this to the all of the participants of this course. “Strategy Engagement Optimisation” is a corresponding transformation response to “fast track” course.
Change pace Ancient folk dance has persevered. Everybody dances, young and adult. Each one dances at their own pace and speed. They change circles. This enables the Leading Instructor to learn new steps from the slowest pace participant. I gave the name of the course #StrategyMasterClassStanBush. The reasons are because of the transformation results. So many benefits for such a short time. On the first day I learned:
- don’t be afraid of the “disconnect”. Check for the strategy. Move from fast pace to a slower one. When necessary, you can move again to fast pace. Intensive digital work projects create disconnect by themselves, unless they are well designed for efficiency.
Relevance in Engagement Analogy for an exhibition stand. People wait to see the desert. Inside, they watch a film about the personal story of Sarah, living in the desert without water. Families learn to find and preserve water. What I learned is:
- First, use what you already have and cherish it. (The Shamgar Method)
- Second, there is an illusion for the entities on social media. You should consider relevance as a guideline. What I learned #StrategyMasterClassStanBush, Be super specific for relevance to get engagement and the results will work you towards your goal.
It is an extremely expensive stand. You can draw attention and a million followers, but will it move you towards your goal? One should make a plan and take into account resources: time involved and results. In this instance, it is a project involving a country.
My present engagement on Google plus is 100%. I would say I live on G+ . I started back in 2011 and it is a dream come true today. I’m a member of Google Create program. My mind starts creating more success stories for other people, that have three times less links on their bln project than I do on my personal profile. Is this a relevant contact to address on potential G+Create initiatives?
What I learned on “Strategy Master Class Stan Bush”: Your own thoughts can be disruptive to yourself because of believe system, national beliefs, personality. Then what you need to hear reaches you in a frustrating way. It makes it difficult to listen. It’s not personal. Trust that it happens in the best way for you. I have included links and mentions in #CollectionsTurn1.
My influence I have 5497 followers at the time of this post, for my expertise on creating and managing grouped content with Google Collections. Plus a number of thankful comments for the help the “Easy Guide” provides. This is in support of my personal brand. What I learned in “Strategy Master Class Stan Bush” is that I must invest time in myself. Some of that time must be out of my comfort zone. Taking 5 days the Strategy Master Class with Stan is a challenge. First thank myself. Thankful to Stan! Accept being taken by hand and pushed a little bit is difficult. But it is immediately changing what I hear and what I see. It allows me to be a leader for what I’m focused on: walking the trend for leaders, changing the lives of many people in a positive way.
My professional expertise is managing social media brand pages. Over 2000 plus one actions, 150 reshares and comments on my post. This is long term engagement with my local municipality and local community. It is offline but mirrored in a digital way on a campaign. This is best practice to evidence and promote my expertise.
Clear choice on priorities. I start my working day with the project of a business event, I’m engaged. It’s on my list to write a blog post. It will be a letter to local businesses. I will attach a PDF case study. It will be free to download, and require a registration. I’m receiving requests. What became clear to me during Strategy Master Class is that I’m not just engaging, but attending the event. During my earlier initiative I have started a collaborative project Bulgaria+ Collection to evidence the best tools I use for promoting the cause Bulgaria can. My intention is to engage with creative Bulgarian leaders.
Week in Review
+ 45 New Followers on Personal profile
+ 1200 New Followers on EasyGuide Collection
Result: Engagement on activities with G+Create community. Google has a grant program for nonprofits, it says they give the visibility and target. I see my engagement with G+Create program equivalent to this.
Facebook: I have 75% increase in visibility and clicks to my site. I have reached more influential people even if views are less.
The site started in September 2015 has a reach to more than 2000 people and 25 countries. I should add details on engagement for this page. To start, I linked it to Klout. I unlinked my personal Facebook profile (with over 700 friends), yet my rating did not change.
+8.1K impressions for the week and an engagement rate 3,2%. With less impressions during the present week I have 6,8% engagement for one Tweet.
45 engagements for my Tweets, i.e. link clicks, retweets, likes, replies
In general I have 46.4 impressions in 90 days and I earn average 1 click link, I reply, 1 retweet and 5 likes per day
Linkedin, current 471 followers. I engaged with new people by Linkedin activity and I enjoy the conversation. Four business owners visited my profile.
Klout 61
Circlecount Profile Rank: 80496 Gender Rank 37027
Profile Rank in Bulgaria: 107/ gender: 56
Circlecount Rank: 102478
Circlecount Rank in Bulgaria: 108