With Live Stream the implementation of digital technology can happen naturally, by learning and testing. All industries and professionals are interested in the various features of digital technologies and might easily be misleaded by the loud noise and endless discussion of the type “ is this really existing, then make it work for me, but don’t involve me”. Here is a quote of Dr. Axel Simidchiev, that brings clarity about technology, processes and participants. Dr.Alex Simidchiev is talking about medicine, yet his words are relevant to any other industry: “Digital are those physicians, who[Tweet ” actively and most professionally use the new communication technologies to help better, faster, more accurately and easily”] their patients. When I say “professionally” I mean that they are practicing based on their skills acquired along special education and training.” ( Read the whole interview on Dr. Simidchiev’s Google profile) You can replace “physicians” by architects, lawyers, entrepreneurs, coaches etc and “patients” by clients, students etc. Each has the choice to test and implement what most suits their needs.
The recent digital tool are providing live streaming by just one click.. While “Live” can potentially distract by too much talking and live shows might prove this side of communication, I want to address a very focused approach of practitioners from the sphere of arts, literature, crafts, education and entrepreneurs. I’m privileged to participate on the live streaming events in 28 days sequence, organised by Stan Bush. Here are five tips from what I learned:
- Make your presentation immediate. It is giving people an understanding about the purpose of your live stream;
- Demonstrate involvement and rotation on the panel. This is a call to action by itself.
- Communicate actively on the comment thread. The guests are happy to have your attention.
- When you stay on the topic, people take notice and follow the same recommendation.
- Be a nice host and make new connections by inviting guests to join the open seats. Remind them the topic and the time limit.
Basics have been always crucial. Without the correct understanding one can build sand castles and lose the most valuable resources like time and energy.