In 2019 Google Meetup Berlin 2019 with Google Product Experts Program is been hosted by Google along with two more events in Sidney, Australia and and in Boulder, Colorado at their own schedule each. Innovation is in the Spotlight throughout Google’s Program of 2019 Meetups.
It’s my third Summit in a row after Dublin 2017 and Google California 2018 since I became a Google Top Contributor/Product Expert with Google Product Experts program.
Google Technology Innovation
On 22nd and 23rd of October Product Experts from 20 countries have experienced 48 hours of working together, exchanging ideas, enjoying the Berliner hospitality and entertainment became part of the unforgettable event. One of the characteristics of the Meetups is that Product Experts are expanding beyond the expertise of the concrete Google Product. The opening topics Google News and Google Arts & Culture showcased Google’s advanced technology innovation based on machine learning and AI. Here is fellow Product Expert Peter Nikolow’s insight about Google’s innovative approach with the event itself:
For the first time, I attend a Conference where the speakers are just Google and they are explaining things at an expert level because the participants at the Conference are not casual people either.
Peter Nikolow
The special thing is that it clarifies interesting (and secret !!!) things that are about to happen in the next few years.

Relationships in a Global Google Community
By far the best moment at Google’s Product Experts Conference beside the golden opportunity to meet Google’s Product Developers is the socializing. Getting to know the diversity of awesome people who are part of Google’s Program, some for 10, 13, 15 and some for 3 or 1 year. As an example, I was part of a working group of 13 people from 8 nationalities. What matters to us Product Experts are the relationships we are building, the learning opportunities and invaluable knowledge we take away to implement further for the Global Google Community.
It was my greatest pleasure to interview Patrick Whittick who is Google Platinum Product Expert. Patrick is the Creator and Manager of the Product Experts Site for the Community. The Site is especially important to experts who are joining for the first time. I myself referred to it on numerous occasions along my first travel to a Google Meetup ( Dublin 2017). I was able to follow who is travelling on the same plane, thus we had a nice chat with a fellow Product Expert. I learned some general information on the Site about the counties presented at the event. I could save my working sessions by accessing the Program of the event on Google Calendar, check useful information about the city etc.
Product Experts Site is a great support resource! Listen to the story how it came to live:

My Award with Google Product Experts Program
I’m honoured to have received the Social Help Award! It’s a fulfilling personal experience after 5 years of daily support of online users and contribution to Google’s Products. I’m feeling very emotional about it because it’s happening in Berlin in synchronicity with 30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall. My awareness of who I am has been abundantly rewarded with the message Google’s Program Team included.
I’m now fortunate to have an awarded tagline: lifelong learner
Nina is a life-long learner that always looks forward to expanding her skill set and helping others on the way.
Google Product Experts Program Manager Team
Twitter stream #PEMeetupBerlin2019
Movie beyond the event Berlin Gems Fall 2019 Weekend Escape
Public List Suggested Places to Visit in Berlin
Conclusion: in the era of the 4th technology revolution events are a cornerstone learning resource for all industry niches both in the corporate and in the small business world.
For more insights read “The Google Product Experts Berlin Meetup 2019” by fellow Product Expert Paolo Amoroso.

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