Need to demonstrate it from my working place
Admirations David Amerland
#reality Edit I need to do my jogging thing to demonstrate as David does
Originally shared by David Amerland
Get In Touch With Reality
I have a 30-second way of starting each day that grounds me immediately: I drop and do 30 push-ups. Here’s what happens when you do that. Your mind suddenly focuses on the movement and action of your body. Your blood pressure and respiration increase a little. Circulation of oxygen in your bloodstream accelerates. Body core temperature goes up by a tiny fraction. You become aware of the way your muscles move, the aches of tendons being asked to take the load.
You realize that really you are a tiny unit in a very large universe, running on minuscule amounts of energy and capable of pathetic attempts at athleticism (particularly when compared to a cat 😉 ).
If your ego was being inflated in any way this brings you down to Earth with a bump. If you were having problems waking your mind up in the morning, this definitely does the trick.
Plus it makes you a little stronger long-term.
Cool, hey? Thank me later.
David Amerland says
Little things can make a huge difference Nina Trankova 🙂
Nina Trankova says
David Amerland exactly! I edited my post, because what was in my mind relates to the sport I should be doing:)