Make The Benefits of Action Loom Larger And Costs Of Action Feel Smaller
My takeaway :”So the next time you find yourself mystified by your inability to get important tasks done, be kind to yourself. Recognize that your brain needs help if it’s going to be less short-sighted.”
It’s funny how benefits are tight to “loom” and costs – to “feel”. Why is this? Do you have any suggestions?
#mondaymotivation #selfmotivation
Andre Amorim says
Use a time-priority matrix. Draw a big number sign (#, hashtag for the new generation) in a blank paper. Divide it into Urgent/Not Urgent; Important/Not Important … and use 37% Rule 😉…
Nina Trankova says
Andre Amorim that helps, thank you! What does the 37% rule say?
Andre Amorim says
Nina Trankova when you mentioned “to get important tasks done, be kind to yourself” it reminds me.. in computer science the “37% rule” …it is an elegant solution to the “the optimal stopping theory” ( … for instance when you going to apply the greedy algorithm or the lazy algorithm while trying to solve a task ? … 😉 Well, do you remember when Alphago won top human player of GO ( ) Go is a googol times more complex than chess, the searching space is huge … the algorithm must have some sort of solution for the optimal stopping problem … time/energy is always limited in the universe …kind of like the The economic problem – sometimes called the basic or central economic problem – asserts that an economy’s finite resources are insufficient to satisfy all human wants and needs. It assumes that human wants are unlimited, but the means to satisfy human wants are scarce.
Nina Trankova says
We ( I) have the awareness about it, so in certain periods of time a slow down is needed. Then, our scarce human powers adjust, or at least we do our best to follow. That is a great comment Andre Amorim Appreciate you!
Andre Amorim says
sounds like green/blue Ingress …