Across Platforms
interconnectivity puzzle glimpse
Lnkedin’s Updates of Terms and Services took effect on the 7th June 2017
Check the article for opt out options for functionalities you prefer to avoid.
“Irish Law – Our members and visitors outside the U.S. will now be governed by Irish law (rather than California law) and can have disputes settled in Irish courts”
With fragmentation of Internet it’s become complicated to surf across platforms. Institutions and government are exceeding powers, Corporate rules are updated following to consumer regulated space.
Free Digital Market have their own policies in Europe
Business to consumer digital content
Content Sharing online in Europe
Facebook are conveying government power most of the time, too far from transparent Community rules.
Credit image Nina Trankova
Andre Amorim says
Nina Trankova says
Andre Amorim I have notifications “On”, thank you!